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RASDak 2022



The Bijou Hills Union Cemetery Association board and area community members and family would like to thank the following:

The Schoenhard Foundation of Chamberlain, South Dakota, for their generous yearly donation given to us beginning in 2002, to help defray upkeep and maintenance expenses.

The Modern Woodmen of America organization for the “Beautification Grant” given in September 2008 which enabled us to purchase fence materials; a grant given to us for the two trees planted in the spring of 2011; a grant enabling us to purchase new flags for our servicemember’s graves, silk flowers and decorations in 2019 and for a new American flag that we receive every year. Our special thanks to the volunteers in the area that supplied the labor and equipment necessary to install the fence in front of the cemetery in 2008.

Doug and Ed Cox of Western Services, Gillette, WY, for donating the materials for the crosses given to us in April 2011 and in March 2015, to honor the military service members who rest in BHUC.

Marsha Dozark for the $250 “seed money” from the Thrivent organization that enabled lunch proceeds from the “A More Beautiful You in 2015” event held at Ola Hall on January 10, 2015, to benefit BHUC. Special thanks to Marsha Dozark and Glenda VanderPol, who organized the lunch, and Marsha Dozark, Susan Olson King, Pam Petrak, Marvene Riis and Glenda VanderPol, who furnished food and served.

The Jim VanderPol family for the solar light and flagpole and for the two white benches which were donated to the cemetery in May 2015 and for Glenda decorating the cemetery at Christmas with a wreath and solar lights on the front gate, and for her serving lunch after cleanup every year.

Ted and Pam Petrak for the $500.00 “seed money” from the Thrivent organization that enabled lunch proceeds from the RASDAK (Ride Across South Dakota) bike tour event held on Thursday, 10 June, 2021 to benefit BHUC. Judy Campbell, Marsha Dozark, Ember King, Pam Petrak, Desirae Surat and Glenda VanderPol provided food. The Campbells, along with their grandson, Ronan, Gary, Dana and Marsha Dozark and Jim and Glenda VanderPol set up tables, chairs and awnings prior to the event. The ladies served lunch to the riders and the above group also cleaned up the area after the event.

Special thanks to the following: Gary and Dana Dozark, Dennis Gunderson, Todd and Derrick Olson, Joe Riis, Brett and Kirk Surat, Jim and Dusty VanderPol and Wayne Surat for volunteering their time and equipment to install the remaining three sides of the fence in Nov/Dec, 2021; to Dana Dozark for bringing chicken out and to Glenda VanderPol for providing dinner to the group at noon one day.

Thanks to the Seed Exchange in Platte for furnishing grass seed in March, 2022.

A complete list of all donations made to the cemetery association since 2001 is available upon request. 

2021 Cemetery Update

Great things are happening at Bijou Hills Union Cemetery this week! Awesome friends and neighbors came together to install the remainder of the fencing perimeter. Looks amazing! More pictures and info to follow.

*photo by Kirk Surat

The Bij​ou Hills Union Cemetery is located 1 1/2 miles west of Bijou Hills (on Highway 50).  It was established in 1886, when the land was purchased from Fritz and Catharina Kiehn. An additional parcel of land was purchased for the cemetery from Idell Dozark in 1968.  The "original crew" who took care of the cemetery's maintenance was: Everald Hoover, Percy Gunderson, Emerson Olson, Ralph Gray and Donald Hloucha.  Wayne Surat became part of that crew in 1969, and Ray Olson was hired to mow. Wayne & Pat Surat have maintained the cemetery since 2001. Pat takes care of record-keeping, and Wayne and Jr take care of mowing, weedeating, spraying and repairs. The group decided to enlist additional cleanup help in September of 2009, as it was too big of a chore for one. The neighbors and volunteers who come out to help during cleanup days since that time are greatly appreciated! 

Our Honored​ United States Military Service Members

Ezekiel Ames

Union Army

Robert Keith Dobberstein

U.S. Army

George H. Dobberstein

U.S. Army

Ira Vinton Ellis

U.S. Army

Jonathan Heath

Union Army

Raymond Leo Hloucha

U.S. Army

Donald Hloucha

U.S. Army

Larry Lynn Houska

U.S. Army National Guard

John "Jack" H. Kendall

Union Army

Lawrence L. Maxon

U.S. Army

Gary D. Maxon

U.S. Air Force

Leon Miller

U.S. Army

Lynn C. Olson

U.S. Army National Guard

Ray E. Olso​n

U.S. Army National Guard

Orson Orvis

Union Army

Ezra Flint Russell

Union Army

Robert F. Surat

U.S. Army National Guard

A. I. Troth

Union Army

James O. Weekly

Union Army

Bijou Hills, South Dakota

26678 352nd Ave., Pukwana SD 57370

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